
Respect Life Committee

Coordinates the Church’s educational, spiritual, pastoral, and public advocacy efforts to restore respect for human life. 

Contact: Mary Dyer at 636-980-7364 



PRAY with us Thursdays, 7-8pm in Chapel, prayer cards available in the church vestibule.


Thank you to all for your love, prayers, and witness to DECLINE TO SIGN and for your attendance at the Midwest March for Life. Continue your prayers to proclaim God’s teachings that are now being threatened in MO. (Prayer cards are located in the back of church). Family/Friends Holy Hour in chapel on Thurs., 5/23, 6/27, 7/25. Bring or send your prayer intentions!


Setting the Record Straight from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The DVD Unplanned, based on a memoir by former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson is available in the chapel. For further details, visit the USCCB link above.


Happy Mother’s Day!!! With grateful hearts we give our love to our Blessed Mother Mary today, and thank Him for giving us LIFE through each of our own mothers’ hearts as well!! Roses are available outside at $2 each after every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Your generosity benefits mothers and their precious children in various pro-life organizations! Free cards from Birthright are available in the back of church. 


5-18-24 Project Rachel Day of Hope and Healing for women wounded by abortion. 9am-5pm $20, lunch/materials included. This mini-retreat gets amazing reviews!

5-18-24 Archdiocesan Pro-Life Monthly Mass @ 8:15am (rosary prior) @St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

5-21-24 Vitae Foundation Dinner

7-9 pm @Hilton Frontenac, Guest Speaker from the Babylon Bee.


6-1-24 Birthright’s Run for Life and Learning @ Creve Coeur Lake